Invoice Settings

Before you can start creating and sending Invoices, you need to setup your invoice first.

To setup invoices, go to Admin > Invoice Settings

Under Invoice Settings, there are five (5) sections names

  1. Details
  2. Logo
  3. Custom Fields
  4. Tax
  5. Customization


Under details tab is where you enter the information that will appear on your invoices. i.e

  1. TPIN – The TPIN of your business
  2. Invoice Prefix – These are letters/number that will be appended before you invoice numbers. e.g. if your enter “ABC” then your invoices numbers will look like “ABC1098”, “ABC1340”, “ABC2974” e.t.c.
  3. Invoice Suffix – These are letters/number that will be appended after you invoice numbers. e.g. if your enter “ABC” then your invoices numbers will look like “1098ABC”, “1340ABC”, “2974ABC” e.t.c.
  4. Invoice Numbering – Here you can select how you want your invoice to be numbered. There are three (3) options
    1. Automated. FuseOffice will generate the invoice numbers. You will not be able to modify the invoice numbers
    2. Semi-Automated – FuseOffice will generate the invoice numbers but you can modify
    3. Manual – You will have to enter an invoice number yourself.
  5. Invoice Increment – The number you want to increment your next invoice by e.g. if you put 10 and your current invoice number is 2030, the next invoice number will be 2040



Here, you can upload your business logo to appear on your invoices (some invoice templates do not show the logo)


Custom Fields

FuseOffice by default shows the general fields on the invoices e.g. date, TPIN, invoice type, customer details etc. Custom fields allow you to add extra fields as per you business e.g. you might want to include purchase order number e.t.c.

To add a custom fields,

  1. click on “Add Field”
  2. Enter the field name
  3. Select field type
    1.Text – You will have to enter the data e.g. purchase order number
    2. Select Dropdown – You will have to select from list of values e.g. branch location
  4. Mandatory – Set whether the field is mandatory or not. If the field is mandatory, you will need to enter a value in this field before an invoice can be created.



This is where you enter Taxes applicable to your business. To add a Tax item, enter tax name and the tax value (percentage) to be applied. When creating an invoice, you will be able to select a Tax item on the product where tax is applied. e.g. you can enter VAT as the name then 16% as the value. Whenever you apply VAT to your invoice items, 16% VAT will be added.



Under customization, you customize how you want your invoices to look.

To customize

  1. Select a template from the wide range of available tamplates
  2. Select a color